Avoiding malaria is advised



Invisible hazards exist all around us and spread diseases like malaria. The main carrier of the virus is the mosquito. The patient's immune system gradually deteriorates, which ultimately results in death. In 2012, malaria claimed the lives of up to 630,000 individuals. Although effective government initiatives have recently reduced the virus's transmission, the season still has a high incidence of its effects.

Recently, a terrible incident involving a family's 6-month-old baby came to light. After seven years of marriage, God granted them a kid, but the youngster was infected with the malaria virus and did not survive very long. The parents started living separately since they were unable to deal with the disaster.

April 25 has been set aside by the World Health Organization as a day to promote awareness of the need to fight and eliminate this viral disease worldwide. Support the WHO initiative and work together at the national level to help save the lives of millions of people worldwide. Even if the world now is better able to combat malaria, when the disease spreads quickly, a casual attitude encourages the virus's regeneration in favorable circumstances.

Participate in the fight to eliminate it from the world. In order to protect not only the lives of those who are alive now but also the lives of future generations from malaria, Remit Choice also encouraged awareness of this terrible illness.